Dan Ukr Eng


Подробная информация о  № 16080001


Имя: Mykola
Фамилия: Muntian
Гражданство: Ukraine
Возраст: 34
Пол: Male
Иностранные языки и уровень (1-5):

Deutsch (3)

English (4)

Предпочтительная сфера деятельности  (1, 2, 3...): Cattle (1)    Pigs (1)    
Опыт работы с сельхозтехникой - тип, всего месяцев, уровень (1-5)

Milking machine - 3 month (4)

Навыки вождения: B category

 Сельскохозяйственное учебное заведениеФакультетГод поступленияГод выпускаСпециальность
1.Mykolayiv State Agrarian University"Animal produce and processing technologies"20062011Muntian Mykola Serhiyovych in 2011 completed the full course of Mykolayiv State Agrarian University
2.ILLINTSI State Agrarian CollegeInnovative Technologies of Animal Production20152018Animal Expert

Опыт работы за границей и квалификация: No

Сельскохозяйственная практика в Украине:
 ГодВсего месяцевНазвание и род деятельностиОбязанности
1.20113Komsonolske, fields of MNAUCorn cultivation, planting seedlings of tomatoes and salad-pepper, tomatoes picking
2.20153Pig farm "Illinetske", as R&D Center of CollegePig production, practical training - all aspects, klima and slagter
3.20163Dairy farm "Lustdorf", practical training of CollegeCow milking, feeding, care of calves, all other aspects of dairy farming

Семейное положение: Married
Дети: 1
Рост, вес: 172 cm    68 kg
Курение: Never
Специальная диета: No
Проблемы со здоровьем: No
Немного обо мне:

Hi, my name is Nicholas I am 27 years old . My family consists of three members , this is my wife Anna to her for 24 years and my son Ivan to him 4 years . We love spending free time together , such as nature walks in the fresh air or trip to the store to shop.


Мое хобби:

In my free time I prefer reading books on different subjects are also very like to listen to Music. And in general, my hobby has sports, especially football game .


Что я хотел бы изучить на практике за рубежом:

During practice I would like to gain experience and skills to care for the animals.


Мои мечты на будущее:

In the future, a dream up their own business which would involved all my family .


Что я хотел бы сделать с деньгами, заработанными на практике:

With the money earned during that practice abroad would like to bring their family on their vacation in one of the exotic countries and get a good avtomobil.I course opening your small business.



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